Sunday 2 December 2012

Hopefully by now most senior people in the sector will know about the FE Guild project work.  This blog will be another way of keeping the sector updated on what the project team are up to.  The first three weeks have been busy getting the team setup, defining what we are going to do, writing a business plan and much more importantly generating some initial discussion documents on key issues for the steering group.  We have also started the consultation process by arranging some limited, initial focus group meetings and generating an on-line survey.

Why do we need a project?

Well to me it is clear from the various reviews and views held by the many organisations in the sector, that there are still significant unresolved elements associated with the proposed formation of a FE Guild - including whether the sector really supports the concept!  This will require further detailed  consultation, investigation and resolution, before the Guild can be formed.  Key ones include:

·         Purpose and function of the FE Guild
·         Scope of FE Guild responsibilities, both in the short term and longer term
·         Relationship with other sector bodies
·         Governance arrangements
·         How to marry the aims of being an employer led body as well as possibly a membership organisation
·         How to ensure the Guild embraces all parts of the very diverse FE sector
·         How to maximise probability of achieving buy-in from the sector
·         Funding for the FE Guild once operational
·         What it will directly deliver and what it will commission
·         Any transition arrangements from existing bodies
Do you think we have missed any?
So lots to do and only 15 working weeks before the costed implementation plan is due by the end of March! Gulp - doesn't sound very long when put that way. 

So I will use this blog as another way of trying to keep the sector informed of what we are doing and hopefully start some on line conversations running - so please do sign up for updates and add comments.

As hopefully an easy starter - I believe a fundamental assumption should be that individual providers must remain responsible for the qualification, skills and professionalism of their staff and the Guild needs to offer advice, support and ownership of qualifications to help them fulfil that responsibility - do you agree?

1 comment:

  1. Graham Ripley Chair Gloucestershire College10 January 2013 at 18:27

    I am far from convinced that there is a need for a "Guild" at all.

    Certainly there is a grave danger of it undertaking far too wide a remit and therefore failing in most things rather than succeeding in key areas. If anything it could be a body for practitioners, akin to Chartered Accountants, Auditors, Insurers etc. It would therefore focus largely on the professional practice of its individual members (akin to the Law Society).

    It should not in my view have anything, other than perhaps the lightest informational role in the governance of colleges and I hope that Chairs of Governing bodies will obdurately resist with utmost vigour any "Guild" incursion into the autonomous powers of such bodies.

    I am far from persuaded that there is a serious need for such a Guild,the title itself is unhelpful in PR terms, having resonances of pomposity and exclusion quite at odds with the image the FE should be presenting to the community.
